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Silly poem: Green light, kiddos! (but stay as long as you like!)

August 31, 2010

I’m 35 weeks today!

I’m 35 weeks today!

Contractions come what may.

The babies may come or stay.

‘Cause I’m 35 weeks today!


I’m excited and still petrified that some of the major things aren’t done yet. For example, the insurance stuff is so confusing and I can’t get anyone on the phone. I’m getting even less done because I’m so exhausted from the horrible insomnia that I’ve had the last couple nights.and spend hours of the day trying to nap, sometimes successfully, especially if I remember to unplug the phone.  I don’t know why I even bother going to bed.  John was not spared last night. Sometimes I manage to be relatively quiet and not turn the lights on a lot, but last night every hour there was something causing me to either need the light or need to get up. I think I got about 2 hrs sleep total. I’m also ruining my teeth with throat lozenges and hardcandy (some of it sugarless but even that seems to stick to my teeth). But at least he got 12 hrs sleep the night before.Tonight I will try the couch!

So much of this final days of pregnancy stuff is TMI, but I can see where it would be helpful for others who are pregnant, especially those who are pregnant with multiples. I was thinking of doing a TMI page with a warning up top, but perhaps I’ll just let anyone who is interested message me and I’d be happy to answer any specific questions as best as I can, rather than a page of TMI onslaught of every icky symptom and discomfort. All I can say is the final days are WACKED!

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